<transcy>بونيه النوم الساتان Olew</transcy>

احمِ شعرك طوال الليل واستيقظ على تجعيد الشعر المثالي بفضل Olew Satin Sleep Bonnet.

هذا أنيق غطاء محرك السيارة مبطن بالساتان باللون البيج والذهبي ، لا تشعر فقط بالراحة الفائقة ، ولكنها تأتي مع أداة ضبط سلسلة السحب لملاءمة أفضل لضمان عدم ارتخاءها أثناء الليل.

اشعري بالفرق عندما تستيقظين على تجعيد شعر أكثر انتعاشًا وأقل تجعدًا ، مع الاحتفاظ بمزيد من رطوبة الشعر طوال الليل للحفاظ على ترطيب أقفالك ، مما يسرع من روتين شعرك في الصباح. قابل للعكس بالكامل بلونين أنيقين.

  • تساعد بطانة الساتان الفاخرة على تقليل تجعد شعرك أثناء النوم
  • يتميز بضبط خيط سحب جديد للتأكد من عدم فك غطاء المحرك
  • أغطية Olew قابلة للانعكاس بالكامل باللون الذهبي والبيج الشمبانيا. قيمة رائعة 2 في 1
  • متوفر بحجم واحد مريح لجميع الأقفال المتعرجة
Regular price
£5.00 GBP
Regular price
Sale price
£5.00 GBP
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<transcy>بونيه النوم الساتان Olew</transcy>

<transcy>بونيه النوم الساتان Olew</transcy>

Regular price
£5.00 GBP
Regular price
Sale price
£5.00 GBP

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Customer Reviews

Based on 20 reviews
Alex C
Doesn't work for me

The bonnet itself is constructed really nicely. The one-size-fits-all doesn't quite work as I have quite a small head so it slides down my forehead. The main reason for the lack of stars is that my curls go a bit lanky and dank and don't have the buoyancy and freshness that I want to carry over to the next day. The bonnet holds the moisture in, whereas a satin pillowcase can let the air circulate and not pull the curls apart so I'll try that next.

Thank you so much for your feedback and purchase! The one-size bonnet was designed after customer feedback found that people found a toggle to tighten the elastic uncomfortable to sleep in. You might like to try another way of making the bonnet a more comfortable fit, including rolling up the band. We're surprised to hear your curls are dropping - that's the opposite of what happens to most customers! Are you ensuring that your hair is fully dry before sleep and/or allowing your curls to settle for a bit after taking your curls out of the bonnet first thing in the morning and then refreshing? Others prefer to use a silk scrunchie and tie into a pineapple and use a silk pillowcase and then refresh, perhaps this may be a better routine for you? Let us know how you get on and thank you again, Team Olew x

Very big

Nice quality but its very big! It's a shame there isn't the option of ordering with a tightening cord, folded it up but it still moves around/slips down. Arrived quickly

Diane F
Satin Sleep Bonnet

Does just what it's supposed to.... stops freshly washed waves and curls from frizzing over night
If you've only a small head or not got long tresses, it's a bit on the big side.....I roll it up .
Could do with a draw cord to tighten as it has a tendency to drop over eyes.
Good quality and price.
I've just fine tuned to suit

Too embarrassed to wear it…

As a product this is fine. I’m just too embarrassed to wear it 😄

satin bonnet

…love it! does cwtch your hair up when sleeping😝